Concept study for hydrogen production at the Stuttgart River Port
The municipal utility Stadtwerke Stuttgart GmbH (SWS) was investigating the construction of a hydrogen production plant at the site of Stuttgart's river port as a demonstration project of how sustainable integrated energy can function in the city. For example, the public transport operator (SSB) depot, where hydrogen buses are already being refueled, is located in the immediate vicinity of the prospective plant site. In the context of the ongoing particulate matter issue, this would provide a very practical opportunity to demonstrate how, through integrated energy, sustainable concepts for the energy transformation can combine local and global environmental protection. On behalf of SWS, Fichtner developed an initial concept for production and utilization of hydrogen generated from renewable energies, referred to as "green H2".
Our Services
- Development of an integrated concept for hydrogen production, infrastructure and utilization
- Conceptual design of the electrolysis plant and the possibilities for transport
- Economic evaluation of the developed concepts
- Evaluation of transport options
Technical Data
- Power-to-gas
- Hydrogen infrastructure