Feasibility study of power-to-X at a power plant site

Feasibility study of power-to-X at a power plant site

As a result of the transition to renewable energies, the capacity utilization of conventional generation plants is being reduced. However, due to existing infrastructure, grid connections and social acceptance, their locations are of great value for future energy systems. Their continuous development to cater for new technologies is thus a logical course of action. For this project, Fichtner developed integrated energy options for an existing power plant site.​

Fichtner services

  • Devising plant concepts for electrolysis, methanization and synthetic fuels​
  • Evaluation of options under technical aspects​
  • Investigation of an integration at the site and to the gas network​
  • CAPEX and OPEX estimates​
  • Regulatory framework​
  • Repercussions for the safety at the site​

Technical data

  • Power-to-X
  • H2 in the natural gas grid

